The Philippines

New Regia for Northern Philippines The Concilium approved, subject to ecclesiastical permission, the raising of Lipa Comitium to Regia. The…

Papua New Guinea

New Regia for PNG The Concilium approved the raising of Mount Hagan Comitium to Regia and affiliating the Legion in the Archdiocese Mount Hagan and…

Theme for the Legion of Mary worldwide in 2010

Tommy McCabe, Concilium President informed the Concilium that proposals from the Concilium Officers annual planning meeting held in November 2009,…

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary

Nominations were sought for the office of Assistant Secretary of Concilium as Ann Murray had completed her first 3 year term. Ann Murray was…

Meeting in Rome re Evangelization in Asia

Tommy McCabe,Concilium President and Paddy Fay, Concilium correspondent for the Legion in Korea represented the Concilium recently at a meeting in…


The raising of a Senatus and four new Regiae There has been significant growth and development of the Legion in Malawi in recent years. The…


New Regia for Panama Recently the Legion in Panama was visited on behalf of Concilium by two legionaries from Bogota, Colombia and found the Legion…


New Regia for Mexico The Concilium approved, subject to ecclesiastical permission the raising of Nuestra Senora del Rosario Comitium in Puebla City…

Visit to Albania

Patricia O'Hara and Caroline Gray Concilium, along with Mgr. Rosario Borg the Spiritual Director of Gozo Comitium, Malta and three legionaries…

Central London Curia

The Central London Curia now has 14 praesidia, which includes a junior praesidium of 6 members between the ages of 12 and16 years. After the…

Go preach the Gospel to the whole creation, Home visitation as a means of Evangelisation

The above topics were discussed at the March Concilium meeting: Go preach the Gospel to the whole creation (Mk 16:15) "Faith must strain after…

Election of Concilium Assistant Treasurer

At the March Concilium meeting, nominations were sought for the office of Assistant Treasurer of Concilium with responsibility for the De Montfort…