Notice of election of Concilium Officers

Notice of elections was furnished for 4 officerships for next month’s Concilium meeting; – Office of Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Assistant…

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary - July 2023

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary: Sr. Jacinta McGovern was proposed by Sr. Mary Murphy and this was seconded by Sr. Anne Carney. As there…

Election of Concilium President

June 2023 Concilium Meeting: Sr. Murphy proposed Br. Declan Lawlor and was seconded by Sr. Ní Chochláin. As there was no other nomination Br.…

June 2023 Allocutio

Mary and the Holy Spirit Fr. Paul Churchill Concilium Spiritual Director Today, just a few weeks after we have celebrated Pentecost and the Blessed…

Notice of election of President and Assistant Secretary

There will be elections at the June meeting for the President and Assistant Secretary.

Concilium Bulletin May 2023

CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO Mexico City Senatus: An attached Regia set up 2 new senior and 2 new junior praesidia. An attached Comitium reported three…

Mary Day Conference - May 2023

MARY DAY CONFERENCE MAY 2023 ‘Who is She?’ is a day long Conference for Our Lady to take place on Saturday May 13th. Come to the historic DCU…

Deus et Patria - April 2023

DEUS ET PATRIA The Deus et Patria Committee welcomed a group of Trinity College students to Legion HQ where they received a tour of Frank Duff’s…

Peregrinatio Pro-Christo - April 2023

PEREGRINATIO PRO CHRISTO COMMITTEE We have received requests for five projects from parish priests in the U.K. To date we have 10 Legionaries for…

Pontifical Marian Academy International

PONTIFICAL MARIAN ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL Following the announcement at the last Concilium meeting Professor William A. Thomas came to the oratory in…

Finglas Project - May 2023

FINGLAS PROJECT The Legion of Mary has been invited by St. Canice’s Parish, Finglas, to assist in an outreach project being carried out in…