Special Announcement

We are delighted to announce that Sr. Mary Murphy as Concilium President has been nominated to become a Member of the Pontifical Marian Academy…

Concilium Bulletin April 2022

AFRICA GAMBIA Banjul Curia: Due to Covid restrictions planned Centenary Celebrations were curtailed, however an Opening Mass for the Centenary took…

April 2022 Allocutio

“Not my will but yours be done!” Fr Paul Churchill On this Palm Sunday we begin our great celebration of the saving events of history. What we…

Concilium Bulletin March 2022

AFRICA GHANA The Senatus of Accra: Most meetings have now resumed for the youth; however the elderly and children are still not allowed to meet. In…

March 2022 Allocutio

MOTHER OF SORROWS Fr. Paul Churchill The central reflection of Lent is always the Passion of Our Lord. We meditate on that most noble act by which…

Indulgence granted to the Legion of Mary for its Centenary Celebrations

Some comments and advice in respect of the Indulgence granted to the Legion of Mary for its Centenary Celebrations A. “Any Church of the said…

Concilium Spiritual Director

Concilium wishes to announce that Fr Paul Churchill has been appointed by the Irish Episcopal Conference as the Spiritual Director of the…

February 2022 Allocutio

Support your local Bishop In the last month I was notified that I had been appointed Spiritual Director to Concilium. I accept this office knowing…

Shadows on the Wall

Shadows on the wall An Eclectic Evening of Faith, Arts & Adoration 11th March @ 7pm De Montfort House, Morning Star Avenue Smithfield, Dublin 7

Concilium Bulletin January 2022

AFRICA CAMEROON Douala Senatus: Some marvellous reports on the Centenary celebrations which were held right through the country. Regia Bertoua…