Concilium Bulletin June 2008

REPORTS - Europe
Cyprus: Legionaries are engaged in the promotion of the Rosary through Pilgrim statue visitation and block Rosaries.

Gibraltar Curia has six praesidia and a total membership of 50. There is a praesidium in each of the parishes in the Dioceses and the Cathedral Parish has 2 praesidia.
Malta Regia: A praesidium of 6 members do home and hospital visitation and reported the return of a lapsed Catholic to the Sacraments and a good contact with a Jehovah Witness. Many tourists contacted are of other faiths or lapsed Catholics. Another praesidium organised a half-day retreat for auxiliaries and friends and prepared children for the Sacraments. Other works in the reporting Curiae were Patricians, contact with expectant mothers where abortion was avoided, sea and prison apostolate.

The correspondent and Spiritual Director visited a number of praesidia in Albania and also attended the Acies. In Skhroder they organised a 2-day type Congress to which all legionaries were invited. Skhroder Curia and Sapa Curia have 32 and 24 praesidia respectively.

Rome Senatus held a unified Acies in St. John Lateran Church to mark the centenary of the birth of Venerable Edel Quinn with 1,000 persons participating. Mgr. Mauro Parmeggiani, General Secretary of the Rome Vicariate presided and Mgr. La Rosa, Spiritual Director of the Senatus, gave the homily.

Milan Regia: After visitation to apartment blocks and homes, many returns to Confession and Mass were reported. Genova Comitium held an Edel Quinn day at a city centre Church and celebrated its 60th anniversary.

Padova Comitium: Juniors in Silandro recite the Rosary each month on Radio Horeb and took part in a 3-day retreat in January.

Barcelona Senatus: One praesidium reported visiting prisoners and their families. Legionaries also instruct parents who wish to have their children baptised and a successful Patrician meeting is run by a Curia.

Bilbao Senatus: The Comitium of Santander has 119 active, 54 praetorian and 249 auxiliary members. Legionaries in Logrone Comitium carry out an apostolate to immigrants and gypsies. Leon Curia has 140 active, 75 praetorian, 655 auxiliaries and 230 adjutorian members.

Madrid Senatus: The principal work of a praesidium, set up 30 years ago, is working in the red light district of the City. Many of the girls have left the street and follow-up visits are made. Catechism instruction is given to their children and two of them received First Holy Communion. The Curia in Seville gives great importance to home visitation and contact with youth on the University Campus.

South America

Bogotá Senatus: Praesidia directly attached to the Senatus held a Congress recently, which was very successful. A Comitium reported that it gives particular attention to apostolate to young people and another is making direct contact with Protestants.

Medellin Senatus: A team of 26 legionaries together with local legionaries carried out a PPC project. 2,186 homes were visited and a large number returned to the practice of their faith and received the Sacraments. A lady and her two sons, who were members of a sect, were prepared for Baptism. Legionaries broadcast the life of Frank Duff and devotion to him is encouraged.

Senatus of Asunción: A PPC project in which 53 legionaries from different parts of the country took part, was carried out in the Cacupé area. As well as home-to-home visitation, the legionaries also did street contact work. In all about 8,000 contacts were made.

Senatus of La Paz: There was an excellent report from the attached Comitium of Sucre where the Bishop and priests are Spiritual Directors to praesidia. Two new praesidia were set up. Arising from the home-to-home visitation, an entire family of Adventists not only came back to the Church, but joined the Legion as active members.

Senatus of Santiago: Junior legionaries prepared a tea-party on Mother’s Day for the legionaries who are mothers.

Senatus of Montevideo: At the request of a priest, and as a result of great extension efforts a praesidium was set up. A praesidium was also set up in a senior citizen’s home.

Senatus of Quito: Resulting from book barrow and street contact apostolate, a number of conversions were reported. Two new praesidia were set up.

Senatus of Caracas: Exploratio Dominicalis projects and Columban recruiting drives are carried out regularly with the result that the Legion is growing steadily. Both the Senatus and the attached councils report new praesidia set up, a number of praesidia were revived and a number of former legionaries have returned to the ranks.

Comitium of Havana: Reports indicate great progress in the Legion and the number of praesidia has increased from 26 to 94 during the last few years. Some of the legionaries are catechists and a large number of both adults and young people attend for instruction.


Kigali Senatus has 24 Comitia, 18 Curiae and 20 directly attached praesidia. Byumba Comitium has 20 Curiae, one of them in a prison and one in a Congolese refugee camp. The Kilbungo Comitium has 11 Curiae - one in a secondary school and one in a prison. Works include visitation of homes, hospitals, orphanages and prisons. They support sick, elderly and handicapped people and help them prepare for Confession and Holy Communion and also encourage the lapsed to resume their religious duties.

Reunion Island
Works undertaken in St. Denis Comitium include home visitation, teaching catechism to children and prayer at wakes. After 20 years of marriage a couple had their marriage regularised.

Madagascar Curia: The works undertaken in this Curia include home and hospital visitation and preparation of adults and children for the Sacraments.

Mauritius Island:
Port Louis Regia reported that the Junior Curia organised a seminar on AIDS. Apostolic works included visitation of homes, teaching catechism, preparing children for the Sacraments and organising retreats.

The Senatus of Gitega takes reports on the worldwide Legion and on the Allocutio given at Concilium. The Spiritual Director urges members to take Frank Duff as their model.

Central African Republic
14,000 legionaries attended the celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee of the Legion in Bangui and Central Africa. The Regia President, gave a presentation on the history of the Legion in their country. Prayer, psalms and Rosary meditations were part of these celebrations. The total membership for the country is 42,036 and 3,586 auxiliaries.

Democratic Congo
Kinshasa Senatus: Report from Mother of Joy Comitium mentions high level of spirituality among members.
Butembo Senatus: a new Comitium has been set up and good results from a parish in Bunia Diocese where Sunday is indicated as a special day for visiting prisoners.
Lubumbashi Regia: A new Regia has been set up at Kolwezi bringing the number of Regiae in Katanga Province to 3.

North America


Philadelphia Senatus: A Seminary praesidium does work in the prison, schools and visits the sick. Scranton Curia set up a praesidium in prison. Muslims, Jews and Protestant are contacted.

Boston Senatus: The Pilgrim Statue is brought to homes and the Sacred Heart has been enthroned in some of them. Non-Catholics are invited to parish functions.

Chicago Senatus: One Curia has 10 praesidia attached, 3 of which are in the local jail. Two prisoners received their First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Members of a junior praesidium share their Faith with non-Catholics. The new Archbishop of Joliet attended the Curia meeting. As a result of the Acies appearing in the Diocesan paper, new members were obtained. There are now 1,000 members in the Archdiocese.

St. Louis Senatus: New praesidia have been set up in several councils. 18 converts were reported and a prisoner Baptised and Confirmed in Lincoln Curia. In Nebraska, Seminarians were given Handbooks. Eleven year olds were taught to pray with their mothers at a Prayer group.

San Francisco Senatus: Legion stands were set up at many fairs. An abortion was prevented and a legionary is now the child’s Godmother. Door-to-door visitation is done and the Pilgrim Virgin and Prison Ministry carried out.

New York Senatus: North Bronx Curia has 138 seniors and 38 juniors. Works reported include contact work at a Church, home and hospital visitation. Rosaries are said in the home of the deceased. A suicidal patient was taught the Rosary and when sent home became an auxiliary.

Houston Senatus: A legionary spoke on National Radio on Venerable Edel Quinn. Bible and Rosary sessions are held at a drop-in centre for street people. The president of a prison praesidium on his release joined his local praesidium. An E Day (evangelisation day) in a Hispanic community made over 1,000 contacts including non-Catholics. The Vietnamese Curia has divided two very large praesidia into three.

Los Angeles Senatus: Phoenix Comitium established 5 new praesidia. Exploratio Dominicalis projects and Patrician groups are on the increase.

Arlington Regia. Each attached praesidium has a Spiritual Director. An Exploratio Dominicalis project established a new praesidium.

Miami Regia: Archbishop Favalora has issued a letter to all his pastors reminding them of the Legion’s splendid record of outreach to souls.

West Indies
Senatus Notre Dame de l’Assomption Haiti: A reporting Comitium has 11 attached Curiae and 9 praesidia with an active membership of 2,378. A new praesidium for young adults was set up.

Senatus of Santiago de los Caballeros: Reports covered 4 Comitia and 2 Curiae with a total of 2,500 active, 2,200 auxiliaries, 42 Praetorians, 4 adjutorians and 2 Patrician groups. Works included home, hospital and prison visitation. Instruction is given to children and adults for Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Masses were celebrated to commemorate Frank Duff, Edel Quinn and the founding of the Legion

Santo Domingo Senatus: In September Mass was celebrated to commemorate Venerable Edel Quinn in the Cathedral of Santo Domingo and each month one of the attached councils holds a special function at which a talk is given on Edel. The Curia Arca de Alianza has 7 praesidia and reported 433 children prepared for 1st Holy Communion and 22 children baptised. Other works included prison visitation where they had a retreat and Stations of the Cross for the prisoners on Good Friday. During Holy Week 12 members went on a mini PPC to a deprived area with little contact with the Church and visited 212 homes, taught Catechetics to children, recited Rosaries, and had a Holy Hour. They recommended to the Parish Priest that a praesidium be formed and offered their help.

San Juan Senatus, Puerto Rico: 8 adult and 3 junior praesidia have been set up.

Montreal Senatus: New praesidia have been set up and works include bringing Holy Communion to the sick, teaching Catechism to children in the presence of their parents. A suicide was prevented.

Toronto Regia: Many praesidia are preparing to undertake the True Devotion to Mary. The principal and teachers of a school are very supportive to the Legion. The students are taught the Rosary. 86 inmates have been visited in prison and one requested Baptism. Toronto Korean Comitium visits nursing homes, hospitals and the bereaved. Mississauga Comitium has an average of 20 people at their Patrician meetings. Peterborough Curia teaches Catechism and visits new parishioners. Prison visitation is done in Scarborough Curia. In Halifax Curia a young woman is being helped with her drug problems.

Edmonton Comitium: A new Curia for the Korean community has been set up in Calgary. A talk on the Rosary was given in a boy’s school and Rosary beads distributed. Non-Catholics attend a Liturgy Service arranged by the legionaries when a priest is not available. An attached Curia has 10 praesidia with 72 active and 400 auxiliary members and a junior praesidium.

Ontario Senatus: Work reports include religious education for 1st Holy Communion children after Sunday Mass. A candle light procession was held on the Feast of the Holy Rosary and a talk was given on the Pioneers.

Vancouver Comitium: 11 Curiae and 16 praesidia are attached to this council. The Comitium is faithful in visiting its attached praesidia. New praesidia have been set up.

Visit of Officers of Riga Comitium, Latvia
Officers of the Riga Comitium, Latvia Silvija Lipina President, Janina Paulina Vice President, Irena Pontage Secretary, Marija Cirse Treasurer and Fr. Andzejs Keziks the Spiritual Director of a praesidium in Riga had a meeting with the Concilium Officers on Saturday 14th June and attended the Concilium meeting on the Sunday. The Comitium has 12 praesidia and 3 Curiae. In addition to home and hospital visitation they visit prisons, shelters for the homeless, public places, parks and do street contact. The legionaries expressed thanks to the two legionaries from Concilium for founding the Legion in Latvia in August 1994 and to the Concilium for the great reception given to them in Dublin.
Concilium President, Tommy McCabe, thanked Fr. Andzejs and the legionaries for the work they are doing for the Legion and for their readiness to travel to Concilium.

Election of Concilium President
As Tommy McCabe’s term of 3 years as President of Concilium had expired, nominations were sought for this office. His name was proposed and seconded and as there were no other nominations, he was duly elected President of Concilium for a second term. Tommy McCabe sought the prayers of all legionaries so that he would faithfully carry out his duty as Concilium President.

Extension Workers for Argentina
In their most recent report, Edel Garcia and Laura Rodriguez, tell of not only setting up new praesidia but also working with local legionaries. They are planning a PPC project which will be composed of young legionaries from councils affiliated to the Senatus and will take place in Cordoba City which is a university city attracting third level students from all over Argentina and neighbouring countries.
In many of the parishes where new praesidia are being set up the two extension workers are permitted to speak at the Masses and later contact outside the Church recruiting new members.

Mary McQuaid, R.I.P.
Mary served as President of Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia and as an Assistant Secretary of the Concilium, with particular responsibility for the Concilium Bulletin. She became a Concilium correspondent doing correspondence with Legion councils in Portuguese-speaking countries. Mary went to Portugal for two or three months to learn the Portuguese language better. Later she became the leader of the Portuguese Group and served in that capacity for about 25 years. In 1994 she was happy to see the Legion in Portugal develop to the point of having a Senatus in Lisbon and continued to correspond with it until her recent illness. She was also correspondent with the Regia of Cape Verde. Only last year, she looked after groups of officers from both Lisbon and Cape Verde, who came to visit the Concilium. In her desire to share the Catholic faith with people abroad, she also took part in many Peregrinatio Pro Christo projects and also took on the burden of chairing the PPC committee for the past seven years. We are grateful to her family for supporting her in her legionary service and we extend our sympathy to them especially to her sister, Norah and her brother, Frank. Mary died on Sunday, 1st June 2008. May her generous and faithful soul rest in peace.

Servant of God Frank Duff Commemoration Ceremony
Glasnevin Cemetery - 8th June 2008
The Annual Commemoration Ceremony for the Servant of God Frank Duff took place in Glasnevin Cemetery on Sunday 8th June 2008. There was an attendance of approximately 400. Fr. Bernard J McGuckian, S.J., who is currently Central Spiritual Director of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association, gave an inspiring and uplifting address, which was a fitting tribute to Frank Duff. Afterwards there was a procession, led by Fr. McGuckian and Fr. Liam O’Cuiv, to the graveside while reciting the Rosary and singing hymns. Prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God Frank Duff was included in this ceremony.

Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Frank Duff
God our Father, You inspired your servant Frank Duff with a profound insight into the mystery of Your Church, the Body of Christ, and of the place of Mary the Mother of Jesus in this mystery. In his immense desire to share this insight with others and in filial dependence on Mary he formed her Legion to be a sign of her maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church’s evangelising work. We thank you Father for the graces conferred on him and for the benefits accruing to the Church from his courageous and shining faith. With confidence we beg You that through his intercession you grant the petition we lay before You….............. We ask too that if it be in accordance with Your will, the holiness of his life may be acknowledged by the Church for the glory of your Name, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Favours attributed to the intercession of
The Servant of God, Frank Duff should be reported to:
Legion of Mary
De Montfort House
Morning Star Avenue
North Brunswick Street
Dublin 7