Quote of the Day
Sanctity consists in loving God above everything with all one’s heart, and soul and mind (cf Mt 22:37). To achieve this, de Montfort invites us to consecrate ourselves totally to Jesus through Mary as slaves of love.
One might be surprised that we speak of slavery in the 21st century. But, we speak here, not of a slavery which degrades and disgraces the human person, but of a slavery of love which ennobles and enhances human dignity (TD 70). It is a servitude by which we place ourselves totally and unreservedly at the service of the Divine Master, and surrender to Him all the faculties of our body and soul, our thoughts, words and actions, our good works past, present and future, the merits we have gained and the virtues we possess: in short, all that we have or will have in the order of nature, grace and glory (TD 121).
We thus remain attached to God alone, and fully detached from all persons, places or things. Jesus becomes our “Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end” (Rev 22:13).