75th Anniversary Celebration in Manila July 2015


On behalf of Concilium, Maura and Michael McGauran reported on a very enjoyable and edifying visit to Manila 15th to 24th July on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the start of the Legion in the Philippines (21st July 1940, by Fr. Manuel Gracia, Fr.Michael Doherty, Sr. Joaquina Lucas, President and Sr. Pacita Santos).
Legionaries from different parts of the country and abroad took part in the ceremonies, including Senatus officers from - Mindanao, Western Visayas, Cebu, Bicolandia, Papua New Guinea, Middle East and Guam.
The Ceremony, which took place in an Arena commenced with a procession of the statue of Our Lady of Antipolo, Patroness of Peace and Good Voyage. Young legionaries from the directly attached Junior Curia of the Senatus carried 10 banners of red and white. Approximately 12,000 legionaries attended.
The Legion prayers commenced at 8 a.m., led by Msgr. Celso Ditan, Spiritual Director of the Senatus of Northern Philippines. A welcome address given by Senatus President, Sr. Olivia Gellangarin, was followed by messages from the visiting Senatus, Foreign Councils and Concilium representatives.
Five Bishops and 32 priests attended. The main Mass celebrant was Most Rev. Broderick S Pabillo DD, Auxiliary Bishop of Manila. The event was deemed an unqualified success, with great credit due to the organisers.