Concilium News October 2011

Concilium News October 2011

Visits to the U.S.A. on behalf of the Concilium

Mary Fahey and Mary Bonner reported on their visits to the Senatus of New York and the Senatus of Cincinnatti where they had discussions with Senatus officers and attended various meetings. There are six Comitia, 14 Curiae and 21 praesidia directly-attached to the New York Senatus. There are 50 junior praesidia in the Senatus area. The visitors attended the Cincinnatti Senatus meeting and several praesidium meetings.

Annette and Raymond Mulrooney reported on their visits with Seamus Rickard to Philadelphia Senatus and Houston Senatus. In Philadelphia they had discussions with Senatus officers and attended some praesidium meetings. In Houston the visitors attended the Senatus meeting and the Senatus Officers’ meeting and a Peregrinatio pro Christo Conference which had an attendance of 550 legionaries.