Concilium Bulletin August 2019



Boston Senatus: Their Vietnamese Curia helped receive 13 non-Catholics into the Church at Easter. In another Curia, a pastor has entrusted the promotion of Eucharistic Adoration to Legionaries.

New York Senatus held a Day of Evangelisation in Manhattan. A new prison praesidium started; they instructed 5 inmates for Confirmation. Fifteen inmates and 7 visiting legionaries attended their Acies in the prison. Some prisoners wept as they made the Consecration.

Philadelphia Senatus: The Camden Comitium visits a prison and has book barrows on boardwalks at several S. Jersey beaches. Stands are at farmer markets promoting the Legion. The Phila-Korean Comitium has two Curiae attached, making up 18 praesidia. A Curia does home visitation and runs Patrician meetings. A junior praesidium visits nursing homes and elderly neighbours. Norristown Comitium visits a prison, a hospital and runs the Brother House that provided shelter and hospitality for street people.

Chicago Senatus: The May Gathering had 80 participants from its councils in 5 states as well as Concilium visitors, Bro. & Sr. Mulrooney. Workshops and an afternoon of home visitation were conducted. Falls Curia plans a PPC to South Dakota. A praesidium in Milwaukee Curia does street evangelising among their works. A praesidium in St. William, IL knocked on 175 doors, making many good contacts. Lake station Curia, IN, gained a new praesidium,

St. Louis Senatus: As a result of home visitation 8 people returned to the Church, two after a long absence. One lady converted just before her death. A Rosary Rally gained 3 new members. A junior praesidium contacts others about the Faith, helps the handicapped and recruits for Eucharistic Adoration. 270 inmates in a detention centre were visited, also150 prisoners. Arlington Regia: Congresses featured in many reports. They held a Youth Retreat in June and 8 attendees would like to join the Legion. One praesidium brought 5 people into the Faith. Richmond has a new praesidium with 17 members. Baltimore Curia started 4 Spanish-speaking praesidia. Cincinnati Senatus started a new praesidium in Urbana and gained 6 new members in Youngstown Curia. Another Curia reported 4 returns to the Sacraments and 1 adult baptised. One Comitium brought 82 people on a Retreat, had 4 adults baptised, 6 returns to the Sacraments and 2 marriages validated. Cleveland Comitium used ‘Gems of Wisdom’ as a resource for their Advent and Lenten talks.

Houston Senatus: Members staffed an Evangelisation Booth at a 3 day festival in New Orleans. 27 inmates in a maximum security prison joined the Legion there. Different inmates take turns presenting the Allocutio and preparing the Mass readings for the upcoming Sunday service at their meeting. A praesidium hosted a Christmas Dinner for auxiliaries and an all-night Vigil. A DVD on the life of Alfie Lambe was presented at a Reunion. PPC at one parish inspired interest in starting a junior praesidium and another pastor requested PPC for his parish.

Los Angeles Senatus: One praesidium made 2,200 contacts at a book barrow gaining 3 people for RCIA, 17 for Baptism and 1couple for marriage validation. 3 attached councils mention Congresses. The Orange County Comitium approached 4 of the 28 parishes currently without the Legion. They highlighted juniors, home and hospital visitation, book barrow and 1 Columban drive. One praesidium visits a nursing home. Another made over 2,200 contacts at a book barrow gaining 2 people for CCD, 1 for RCIA, 17 needing Baptism and 1 for marriage validation.

San Francisco Senatus: All councils organised recruiting efforts and have a number of praesidia in formation. One parish had 50 attend preparation for True Devotion to Mary. The Senatus did their Annual Audit and are also requesting their councils to submit audits. 2 Legion members were ordained to priesthood in San Jose. 3 non-Catholics were received into the Church. A Spanish Curia made 900 Pilgrim statue visits. 2 Legion members became priests in San Jose Comitium. A prisoner sentenced to 20 years received Confession, Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Miami Regia: A second Haitian Curia has been established. One praesidium promotes the Pilgrim statue to catechism students. A plaque of Our Lady of Fatima is set up in a school class and, each week, a student takes the plaque home to introduce family prayer there.


Senatus of Toronto: In a recent visit, Concilium visitors Bro. and Sr. Mulrooney met with the Senatus officers and had a meeting with His Eminence Cardinal Collins. The Cardinal was very supportive of the Legion and gave great encouragement to the officers and the visitors. A Legion gathering in honour of the occasion had 250 legionaries from praesidia and attached councils participated in an all-day Conference, discussing Legion matters. 280 students and some new priests were contacted at a stand in Steubenville OIUT Conference; new members were gained. A seminarian legionary was ordained to the priesthood.

Montreal Senatus: 5 praesidia reported with a membership of 50 and 69 auxiliaries. 2 Exploratio projects resulted in the formation of 2 new praesidia. One praesidium hosts a monthly Frank Duff prayer meeting. Another praesidium does crowd contact at metro stations. A 20 year old praesidium started a junior praesidium; they help seniors do Pilgrim statue visits, set up power-point translation of readings at Mass in both French and Arabic, visit sick children, and organise spiritual days for young people.

Vancouver Comitium: Five praesidia attached to 1 Curia have started Frank Duff prayer groups. A Curia with 10 senior praesidia has 4 junior praesidia attached.

Edmonton Comitium: A Retreat had 57 attendees. A Columban drive resulted in 1 new praesidium. An Evangelisation Booth was set up during the Chinese New Year celebrations. The Comitium is encouraging praesidia to have Patrician meetings so as to connect with parishioners. Miraculous Medals were presented to First Communicants and other school children.



Senatus of Santo Domingo: A Comitium with 600 members, 27 Praetorians, 400 auxiliaries and 9 Adjutorians visits homes, prisons, and orphanages. 58 patients were prepared to receive a visit from the priest. 405 Holy Hours were conducted and 25 children and 300 adults prepared for Baptism. A praesidium with 5 members changed its meeting time and now has 16 members. A Comitium with 1,500 members, 200 Praetorians and 200 Adjutorians conducted a Holy Week Retreat in the prison.

Senatus of Santiago de los Caballeros: A Comitium reported catechesis to 2,300 children and 2,200 adults, 900 children brought to Mass, 350 children prepared for Baptism, 500 for Confirmation and 500 for First Communion. 50 couples were prepared for and received Matrimony. 4 children were taught to read and write. They also help the terminally ill and pregnant teenagers to prevent abortions.


Puerto Rico Senatus suffered from two recent hurricanes. Prayers are requested for their country and particularly youth in Puerto Rico.


Haiti Senatus: Reports were received from 3 Comitia, 1 Curia and 3 praesidia, 2 in a seminary. People of many religions were contacted and large numbers were prepared for the various Sacraments. They also run Patricians and evangelise youth.


Regia of Trinidad and Tobago: Two new praesidia were established. Home, hospital visitation and Pilgrim statue apostolate featured. 10 children were prepared for their first Holy Communion. A Curia with 4 praesidia attached has a membership of 33 active legionaries. 2 legionaries assisted with Baptism instruction. 4 lapsed Catholics returned to the practise of their faith.

At the August Concilium meeting the President of Fatima Regia, Port-of-Spain, Trindad and Tobago, Sr. Yola Small, stated that the Regia cares for the Legion in the North Eastern Caribbean region. This council has 6 praesidia and 7 Curiae attached having total of 269 active members and 10 Praetorian members with a total auxiliary membership of 1,152. They care for 6 other islands; namely Antigua, Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, Barbados and St. Lucia, and 2 countries in the northern part of South America – Guyana and Suriname.

Grenada has 4 Curiae with 6 praesidia comprising 87 active members and 53 auxilaries. Dominica has 1 Comitium with 16 attached praesidia and a Curia with 6 praesidia. They have 2 junior praesidia. St. Vincent has 1 praesidium. Barbados has 2 praesidia with 16 active members and 12 members in a junior praesidium. Guyana is due to report in November. Suriname is due a visit in 2020. Officers plan to visit all councils who had failed to report.

In Trinidad, there are 17 junior praesidia, some in Primary and some in Secondary schools; the aim is to have a junior praesidium in all schools in the Archdiocese of Port of Spain. They plan their 3rd Annual Junior Rally for 27th October this year. Apostolic works include house to house evangelisation, visiting the housebound, hospitals and those in institutions, crowd contact, giving religious instruction in Sate Schools, doing RCIA and other catechism classes.



Malta Regia: During Holy Week an exhibition was held in the Legion house in Valetta. Contact work was done on the streets on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. A good number of people visited the Legion house. Praesidium reports: The apostolate of a praesidium of eight members and 48 auxiliaries includes much contact with those of other faiths and none, visitation of a Primary School, shops, hospitals, and nursing homes. A Muslim lady expressed a wish to attend Mass. A lady who was lapsed from her faith accepted a copy of the Sacred Heart Messenger magazine. In another praesidium the 38 auxiliary members were visited three times during the year and were invited to the Acies and Retreat. Families were visited to prepare for the blessing of the homes during Easter time. Curiae Reports: A junior Curia with five praesidia held its Acies on March 16th in the Legion house followed by refreshments. A Rosary group was formed in Zebbug as a stepping stone to forming a praesidium of intermediate members. Activities for juniors included a Mass followed by a picnic in October, a Retreat in November and a reunion in December. A senior Curia has ten attached praesidia. The legionaries helped a person who wished to be baptised and have her marriage regularised. The daughter of this person is being prepared for her First Holy Communion. Follow-up calls are being made to a former Jehovah Witnesses who now has resumed Mass–attendance. A Curia with ten praesidia reported visitation of the attached praesidia. A day Retreat had an attendance of 41.

Gozo Comitum: Monsignor Borg, Spiritual Director of the Comitium for many years recently celebrated his 53rd year of ordination to the Priesthood. Tourist contact is done on the Island every week and during the last six months 1,460 contacts were made with people from different faiths and sects. A Chinese lady asked the legionaries to recite the Rosary with her. The Maltese language is taught to foreigners living on the Island. Hours of Adoration are organised in various Churches. The junior legionaries carry out works amongst their friends, encouraging them to attend Mass, go to Confession and visit the Blessed Sacrament in the school chapel. A monthly prayer meeting to promote the Servant of God Frank Duff takes place. Talks were also given on the three Causes.


Legionaries help Missionaries of Charity in their homes for elderly and handicapped people. They also teach catechism and accompany priests bringing the Sacraments to the housebound.


Madrid Senatus: Almudena Curia has a good number of young legionaries, also an enthusiastic young Spiritual Director. Hilda Firtel’s book on Frank Duff will be discussed at the next Senatus meeting. A visiting legionary from Malabo, Equatorial Africa, which is attached to the Senatus, reported that the Legion is in 80% of his country and many young people are members. Works include: home visitation and extension. Special attention is given to winning back to the Church those who have joined the sects.

Barcelona Senatus: Members of one praesidium are accompanied by a priest on visitation to homes. They report problems with young people who after receiving Holy Communion are not seen again in Church until Confirmation time.

Senatus of Bilbao: A Curia with 7 praesidia uses book barrows in Parks and on streets. Prayer groups are also in operation.


Lisbon Senatus: Schools and families are visited to enrol children in preparation programmes for First Holy Communion. Most Curiae hold two meetings for auxiliaries each year. Evotra reports that their Archbishop attended the Acies. Legionaries help prisoners in a Lisbon prison to meditate on the word of God and in classes. An attached Comitium reported on contacts made on public transport.


A new praesidium held its first meeting on 19th August and the Legion is set for further growth on the island. All praesidia in Nicosia help with the distribution of food to refugees, (the food not being supplies by the Legion). A Facebook page has been established by the Curia and will be monitored by legionaries. Development of the Legion in Cyprus is helped by Correspondents’ visits to the island.


Milan Regia: The council is celebrating the 70th Anniversary of its foundation and rejoice that the book ‘Victory through Mary’ has arrived at the Faith and Culture Editor’s office. A Montfort priest will speak at a commemorative lecture. Legionaries in a 14-member praesidium visit the sick in their homes and in nursing homes. Their Spiritual Director visits every meeting. The praesidium played an important role in the visit of a Vatican Cardinal. Teaching catechism to children also features as a work. The Curia in Genoa has 7 directly attached praesidia. Works include home and nursing home visitation.

Padua Comitium: Pilgrim statue visitation is a favoured work. A praesidium recites the Rosary weekly in a vice-ridden area of the city. A dedicated legionary recently died but left a legacy of a praesidium with 14 members. One praesidium which keeps in touch with its auxiliaries was advised to pay the occasional visit to them.

Senatus of Rome celebrated its 700th meeting this month. Spiritual Director Rev. Mons. La Rosa was unable to be present at the meeting due to illness but Fr. Montfort replaced him. In his Allocutio Fr. Montfort said that this event symbolises the fidelity and dedication of the legionaries and the testament and commitment of the founder legionaries and all who have extended and developed the Legion down through the years. However, he pointed out that while it is a wonderful occasion, it is also a new beginning and there is still a lot to be done if the Legion in the Senatus in Rome is to continue celebrating Anniversaries. Extension: The Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto gave the legionaries of San Salvo praesidium written authorization to extend the Legion in his diocese and he hopes that the Legion will be a vital part of the Lay movement in his diocese. A recently founded praesidium in Tivoli is going well.



Carlow Comitium: Graiguecullen praesidium has 4 members. Home visitation was done in a housing estate during which the legionaries invited people to have their homes blessed by the Parish Priest. The response was very encouraging and some people filled in the form there and then. During the winter months especially the elderly and housebound are visited. They have 3 Fatima statues which are offered to people for one week. During March and May 5 schools were visited and the First Communion and Confirmation classes spoken to. A recruiting drive was carried out in Paulstown and some auxiliary members were gained. Kildare Curia: Two of the Curia officers attended the June Comitium meeting. Works include visitation of schools. At the request of the Concilium Correspondent a meeting of the officers of the 3 councils was held in May in Portlaoise. The Correspondent and a Concilium representative attended. The agenda covered the main aspects of Legion government, i.e. membership, officerships, extension, recruiting, child safeguarding, financial matters etc. The importance of representation at the meetings of the Comitium was stressed during what was a very positive meeting.

Elphin Comitium: The presentation of the DVD on Frank Duff was a great success. A praesidium in Roscommon has 14 members who visit the elderly living alone, local hospitals and nursing homes. The legionaries also help out with events in the Sacred Heart Home. They conduct a weekly Holy Hour for patients during which there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A weekly session consisting of prayers, music and singing is held every Thursday for Alzheimer’s’ patients. Parties are held monthly for people with special needs. North Elphin Curia: A recruiting drive was held in Rathcormac 25/26 May. On the Sunday afternoon visitation was carried out in 3 Estates and 5 people promised to consider Legion membership. Geevagh praesidium has 5 members and 15 auxiliaries. Works include home visitation, sale of Catholic newspapers and organising a Children’s Rosary on the first Saturday from September to June. The Edel Quinn Club recently had a visit from Fr. Declan Boyce, Administrator in Cathedral parish who was delighted with the visit. An adult Conference entitled “If Mary were but Known”, which is open to all ages will take place on October 19th in Gillooly Hall, Sligo.

Tuam Comitium: Comitium members continue to staff the Knock Shrine Office on a rota basis. The works of Lackagh praesidium include visitation of a nursing home, recitation of the Rosary every Sunday in October and November in local cemeteries, praying the Rosary with families of bereaved and assisting the priest whenever he requests help. They have 37 auxiliaries. The Intermediate praesidium in Tuam has 10 members from the transition year and two from Leaving Cert class. Members are encouraged to say daily extra prayers, attend Sunday Mass, undertake good deeds when possible and find ways to help the environment. Claremorris Curia: The praesidium restarted in Ballyhaunis after promoting daily Rosary at Our Lady’s statue during the month of May. Westport Curia has the Legion established in 5 of the 14 parishes in its area.


Achonry Curia has 3 praesidia attached. Works included duty at the Legion Office in Knock Shrine.

Clonfert Curia: The Acies took place on 25th March and a most inspiring homily was given by the Spiritual Director on the many challenges facing legionaries in current times. The legionaries who attended the Congress in Galway in March found it a most interesting and encouraging experience. The apostolate of a praesidium of 9 members and 70 auxiliaries includes a monthly Rosary Rally in the town square. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima and Consecration prayer are brought to homes. Visitation of the hospital, community homes and nursing homes is also done as well as promotion of weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Visits are made to an asylum seeker and her family on a regular basis.

Ferns Curia: Gorey praesidium has 5 members and one probationer. Due to age related difficulties home visitation is restricted but 2 members set up a small table on the main street. Miraculous Medals and religious literature were distributed. The Primary School was visited 7 times and the Mysteries of the Rosary explained to the pupils. Visits to the Community school also took place and Miraculous Medals were distributed to the Leaving Certificate students. The Rosary is recited weekly at a Grotto since October 2017 and attendance ranges from 5-15, mostly men. Carew praesidium had a stall at the Tinahely Show and 600 Miraculous Medals were distributed. Junior praesidium members carry out duties attached to the Church and speak to other young people encouraging them to join the Legion.

Galway Curia: As there was no praesidium report at the March meeting a discussion took place on St. Joseph. There was a recruiting drive at all the Masses in Renmore parish. Many people gave their names and addresses for further contact and two came to the praesidium meeting. The praesidium reporting in April has 4 active members and 1 probationer. Among the works are hospital and home visitation.

Killala Curia: The Curia is discussing plans for 2021 Centenary and hopes to have firm proposals at the next meeting. Belmullet praesidium has 11 members, 105 auxiliaries, one Praetorian and one Adjutorian. Visitation is made to those living alone or bereaved. The Forty Hours Adoration in Belmullet Church is organised and participated in by members of the praesidium. Catholic literature is distributed and 2 members visit local schools with the Children’s Eucharist Programme and Communion packs. On a recent visit to a school in Ballina the children were found to be very receptive to the idea of Eucharistic Adoration.

Kilkenny Curia: During May Devotions to Our Lady members recited the Rosary at various Marian Shrines and there was a good attendance at each location.


Benedicta Curia: This council has 24 active members among 6 praesidia. On-going recruiting efforts have resulted in a new active member. Members help other praesidia needing support. Two Jewish ladies accepted Miraculous Medals and visited a local Catholic Church with the legionaries. Promotion of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in four local parishes is undertaken.

Our Lady of Fatima Curia has 40 active members among 7 praesidia. Members visited 6th class pupils in a local Primary School and offered Rosaries, Miraculous Medals and prayer leaflets. Pupils were informed about the work of the Legion in their community. Members help in preparing the altar for Mass and at the Christmas and Easter celebrations in the parish Church. The Rosary is actively promoted by legionaries in Greystones and prayer leaflets to St. Joseph the Worker are offered to Confirmation pupils and parishioners. Holy Communion is brought weekly to 60 residents of two nursing homes. Legionaries assist with outreach to the homeless.

Assumpta Curia has 30 active members among 7 praesidia. A successful Congress took place in conjunction with Mater Ecclesiae Curia. Members felt that they gained much from the preparation, participation, role-play and talks. Home visitation took place to all 65 homes in an area on the outskirts of a parish. Requests to receive Holy Communion at home were passed on to the priest. Confirmation children recited the Rosary with the legionaries visiting their class and were shown a short video on the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires. 25 Patricians attended 3 meetings to discuss the topics of Baptism, the healing power of Confession and St. Julian of Norwich.

Annunciata Curia has 37 active members among 7 praesidia. All parishes in the Curia area were visited during a 3-day recruiting drive. A praesidium of six active members and 22 auxiliaries undertake an apostolate to the Muslim community. This year, 80 members of the Muslim community were met in their homes, in cafes, in shops and on street contact. 12 Patricians attended two meetings.

Immaculata Curia has 45 members among 9 praesidia. Home visitation and street contact are undertaken by two praesidia of 7 and 6 active members and 69 auxiliaries. A nursing home is visited and public Rosaries are organised. Patrician meetings are also held. A recruiting session took place in one parish and an Exploratio Dominicalis project in another parish. Pilgrim statues of Our Lady and also St. Joseph are brought to homes and a monthly Rosary for vocations is hosted before Mass. The Cause of the Servant of God Frank Duff is supported by promoting the monthly Frank Duff hour in Church Street and a weekly prayer meeting in the Legion house. A Faith and Fun group is organised twice monthly for children and teenagers and crowd contact takes place at shopping centres and Tram stops.

Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia: Discussion and planning took place to mark the Venerable Edel Quinn’s 75th Anniversary with a DVD showing on her life and a talk at a local centre. 16 people attended two prayer meetings for the Causes of the Servant of God Frank Duff and Venerable Edel Quinn.

Mater Ecclesiae Curia has 40 active members among 7 praesidia. Members of a praesidium of 8 active members and 15 auxiliaries work on the Parish Baptism team where 5-6 contacts were made with each of the families of the 36 children baptised in the parish this year. Catholic newspapers are offered after weekend Masses and 25 new adorers were recruited for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Permission was received for an extension project in one parish in September.

Ancilla Domini Curia has 7 praesidia. Plans are underway to welcome visitors to Myra House during Culture Night next month. The Curia hosts a monthly prayer meeting for the Cause of the Servant of God Frank Duff, a monthly Holy Hour and regular meetings for dialogue with members of other Christian and Jewish faiths. Gloriosa Curia: Two praesidia reported home, nursing home and prison visits. The 33-Day Consecration and the Divine Office prayer are offered to parishioners. A Faith and Fun evening for children was held. A book barrow outside the parish Church is a main point of contact with the public in one parish. Sacramentals and Catholic literature are offered as well as prayer requests taken. In co-operation with the Parish Priest, members have given catechetical instruction to children preparing for Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. A Holy Hour is organised weekly. Street contact with the public on Christmas Eve and Holy Saturday took place outside the Church encouraging people to avail of Confession and distributing literature. A Three-Day Outreach Project with street contact and home visitation took place in another parish followed by an Open Day in Mt. Olivet House. It is hoped to re-establish a praesidium in the parish as a result of the extensive contacts made.



Banjul Curia: Contact has been re-established and Minutes are awaited.


Freetown Curia: A praesidium with 7 members reported. They do good work especially with lapsed and elderly people, and also visit a military hospital where they recite prayers with some of the patients.


Abuja Senatus: One Regia reported 135 conversions including 17 Muslims. 29 marriages were rectified and 83 praesidia were formed in 2 years. A Curia with 15 praesidia reported 8 conversions including Muslims.

Ibadan Senatus: One Regia reported ten prisoners released after reforming their lives as a result of persistent Legion work. Another Regia reported 17 Jehovah Witnesses and 31 Muslims converted. Lagos Regia has 30 Comitia, 4 Curiae and 12 praesidia attached.

Enugu Senatus:

Awaka Regia with 8,102 active seniors and 6,505 junior members reported great numbers prepared for the various Sacraments. Three senior, 1 junior Curia and 47 senior praesidia established.

Abakaliki Regia: Reports included 7,823 Catechumens prepared for Baptism and 251 senior praesidia established.

Onitsha Regia: Awada Comitium has 3,000 juniors in 15 junior Curiae. 1,261 were prepared for Baptism, 34 lapsed returned to the Church and 5 family disputes resolved, one resulting in uniting a family separated for15 years.

Ikot Ekpene Regia: The Port Harcourt Comitium report included the starting of 5 new praesidia and two Curiae. 14 couples had marriages blessed and were prepared for the Sacraments. Calabar Comitium reported the recruitment of 74 to the Legion and 2 Moslems converted to the Catholic Faith.

Kaduna Regia: A Comitium with over 1,000 active members reported 265 marriages regularised and 129 returns to the Sacraments. When issues arise the members are encouraged to refer to the Handbook.

Jos Regia: Works include home and hospital visitation, catechism instruction, and care of children at Mass, care of junior praesidia, crowd contact and marriage counselling. Maiduguri Comitium recruited 142 to the Legion, arranged for 33 couples to have marriages blessed and revived the Curia at Mubi.

South Sudan: A praesidium in a Teacher Training College has 27 members and it is hoped that when the teachers return to their parishes as teachers they will each start a new praesidium.


Senatus of Uganda: An excellent Newsletter has been started to help the Senatus convey different communications such as reports on events e.g. Venerable Edel Quinn’s Anniversary and upcoming events such as a Spiritual Directors Conference for councils in the Kampala Ecclesiastical Province. The Theme for the Year is “Go Preach the Gospel to every Creature” emulating Venerable Edel Quinn who set up the Legion in Uganda and is particularly revered. 6 priests and 172 Legionaries travelled to Nairobi in May for the 75th Anniversary Mass. The Anniversary was also celebrated throughout Uganda. All 3 Causes are promoted with specific intentions being allocated to each candidate. Planning has already started for the Legion Centenary in 2021 and some councils have submitted their ideas.


His Eminence, Cardinal John Njui, Archbishop of Nairobi was the chief celebrant at the 75th Anniversary Mass at Venerable Edel Quinn’s grave on 12th May. 18 legionaries, one priest from Malawi, 50 legionaries from Tanzania, including 2 priests, 172 legionaries and 6 priests from Uganda and thousands of Kenya legionaries were in attendance. A new praesidium has been set up in St. Paul’s University, Nairobi.


Dar-es-Salaam Regia: Chang’ombe Curia with 16 attached praesidia has 3 Praetorian and 7 auxiliary members. Works include home and hospital visitation and a special apostolate to street girls. The Regia is making great efforts to make contact with other councils in Tanzania which have been out of touch with Concilium for some time.

Mtwara Comitium is making efforts to start junior praesidia.

Songea Comitum: A new president has been elected and it is hoped that Minutes will be forwarded. The Regia Officers visited Songea and reported that there are 20 Curiae attached to the Comtium and the legionaries have a very good understanding of the Legion system.

Hai Moshi Comitium: Works reported on include home and hospital visitation, contact with drug addicts, encouraging couples to marry in Church and preparing adults and children for the Sacraments. The Comitium visits parishes, speaking to people after Mass and establishing new praesidia.

Rombo Comitium: after a long silence, contact has been re-established and a report indicates 20 Curiae and 22 praesidia attached to the Comitium, 216 prepared for Sacraments, 34 lapsed returned to the Church and 22 Marriages blessed.

Kahama Comitium continues to give priority to extension work with most reports making reference to it. A new Curia was started. A day Retreat for officers had an attendance of 52.


Blantyre Senatus: The Senatus takes quarterly reports from attached councils but the Minutes give very little details of active work carried out, other than stating that home and hospital visitation is done. Efforts are made to promote the Cause of Venerable Edel Quinn and Frank Duff.

Maula Senatus: Works undertaken include home, hospital and prison visitation. They also teach Sunday school and 200 children were prepared for Confirmation. Many marriages were blessed in Church. The Senatus visits all its councils on a regular basis and encourages its attached councils to do likewise.


Lusaka Regia:

Ndola Comitium published the Bemba-language Handbook. They are working on the translation of the Handbook into Chitonga, Silozi and Chinyanja.

Kasama Regia: A series of letters were received after a long silence which they apologise for. They have had a difficult time with many deaths due to accidents and illnesses and then they were barred from congregating and visiting other parishes due to an outbreak of Cholera in the country. However they are now meeting regularly and evangelising. Three Comitia and a number of Curiae and praesidia were started. Home, hospital and prison visitation is undertaken and many received the Sacraments and returned to the Church at Easter.


A proposal to raise Kupang Regia to the status of Senatus was approved by Concilium. This will bring to 3 the number of Senatus in the country.

Malang Senatus is situated in Java having 1 Regia, 5 Comitia, 10 Curiae and 13 attached praesidia and has a membership of 10,000 seniors and 1,420 juniors.

The new Senatus is in West Timor and the original Regia was formed in 2009. It has 10 praesidia, 10 Curiae, 10 Comitia and 15,000 members.

The territory of the new Senatus would be its own Archdiocese and the suffrage Diocese of Atambua, Waitabula. The new Senatus will include the Regia of Maurmere which was formed in 2005 with 10,000 members including the Archdiocese of Ende and the Dioceses of Larantuke, Ruteng.

The ecclesiastical authorities have given their approval for this proposal.