Concilium Bulletin March 2020

AFRICA A Ghana: Accra Senatus, “Star of the Sea” Comitium, Tema is organising “Rosary Evangelization”, where they go to an open place, like…

March 2020 Allocutio

Frank Duff and Authentic Devotion to Our Lady By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director of the Concilium If one tries to paint a picture of the…


Covid-19 NOTICE Concilium advises all legionaries to adhere to the instruction of the Catholic bishops and the civic authorities in regard to…

Concilium Bulletin February 2020

AFRICA BURUNDI Senatus of Burundi: This Council is based in the centrally located diocese of Gitega. For some time now, the Regia of Bujumbura has…

February 2020 Allocutio

Frank Duff and the Eucharist By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director of Concilium There is a well-established principle in theology that…

January 2020 Allocutio

The Legion of Mary and Christian Unity By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director of the Concilium Yesterday we started the Octave of Prayer for…

Bulletin du Concilium Decembre 2019

L'EUROPE ESPAGNE Senatus de Madrid : Des légionnaires adultes dévoués se concentrent sur l'apostolat de rue auprès des jeunes. Les…

Cause of Frank Duff: Update December 2019

We’re hopeful that by 31st December 30,000 of the 33,000 letters written by Frank Duff will have been read. The 25 readers who had completed…

Election of Assistant Secretary to Concilium

An election took place at the December meeting for Concilium Assistant Secretary. Nominations were taken and Emmanuel Bourke was proposed and…

Concilium Bulletin December 2019

EUROPE SPAIN Madrid Senatus: Dedicated elderly legionaries concentrate on street apostolate to young people. Recruits who do not persevere are…