Visit to Brazil by Tadhg McMahon


The central event was Celebration of the Eucharist by 70 Spiritual Directors, presided over by Recife’s Archbishop, Dom Fernando Saburido. The conference spirit was one of joyful commitment to developing the Legion, mainly through Legion formation, including Handbook study. Also, attention was given to the Legion’s role in facing today’s spiritual challenges and involving youth in the Church’s apostolate. The central theme of the Congress was Legion discipline and in that context, three main points were stressed. (1) Standing Instruction. (2) The Order of the Praesidium. (3) The placing of the Legion at the disposal of the Bishop and Parish Priest. All of the higher councils in the southern region – 4 Senatus, the Regia in the capital Brasilia, the Regiae in the far-west and Senatus of Belem in the Amazonian region, were represented. The whole event was dominated by a spirit of joy, gratitude and warm friendship. Bro McMahon also visited ten Legion councils, including three Senatus, two Regiae, several Comitia, Curiae and praesidium meetings. Many hours were spent with individual groups and Legion officers.
