Concilium Reports April 2013


Kenya Senatus: Kisumu Regia celebrated its silver jubilee in December. In his homily Archbishop Okoth encouraged the Regia to recruit more young people. The only praesidium in Nyeri Archdiocese is in the Major Seminary, which has 45 members. 26 legionaries attended the prayers at Venerable Edel’s grave in December. The Correspondents’ group meets regularly and the Senatus has good plans to train officers. The correspondent has suggested the holding of Congresses. Very solid apostolic work is done with many returns to the Faith and preparation for the sacraments features in all reports. Great care is given to junior praesidia.

Uganda Senatus: A schedule of activities for 2013 and a detailed report on the Spiritual Directors’ Conference were received. The Conference was held from 22nd to the 25th August, the theme was “Cardinal Points of the Legion” and there was a participation of 97 including 83 Spiritual Directors. Bishop Kaggwa of Masaka Diocese gave the opening address and Bishop Kakooza, Auxiliary Bishop of Kampala, the closing one. Minutes give details of many conversions, lapsed returned and marriages blessed etc. and one praesidium which has very good prayer back up from their Auxiliaries reported a person saved from suicide.

Abuja Senatus: Average attendances are 43% for council officers and 73% for praesidia officers. One Comitium officer had a 100% attendance at praesidium, Comitium and Senatus meetings for the last two years. A praesidium of 20 has 12 Praetorians and reported that “lapsed Catholics are followed up systematically” while in another reported eight lapsed returned, 2 of them joined the Legion. Prayers were asked to overcome difficulties because of communal clashes and there was mention of “political, tribal and religious killing during the period”. Nearly 700 new praesidia have been formed in the Abuja Senatus area in the last three years.

Ibadan Senatus: Average attendances were 49% for council officers and 65% for praesidia officers - the latter figure excludes 5 seminary praesidia whose officers rarely attend. One Curia reported on home, hospital and prison visitation, catechism instruction, marriage cases and conducting services at outstations. They had weekend projects, Columban Drives and praesidia did Exploratio Dominicalis. Another Curia encouraged its 12 praesidia to have Patricians monthly and 6 did so while a Comitium set up 6 praesidia.

Lagos Regia: Average attendances were 64% for council officers and 25% for praesidia officers. A new Curia has been formed of praesidia from the Regia, which the officers hope will improve attendance. A new Comitium had 52 marriages rectified while another Comitium reported 10 senior and 3 junior praesidia and 3 junior Curiae established. They have 2,309 seniors below age forty and 341 above it.

Enugu Senatus: The newly translated Igbo Handbook was launched at a Concelebrated Mass. The Vicar of the Diocese Msgr. Luke Adike commended the Legion for translating it into the vernacular, as it would help bring the contents to the understanding of every legionary, including those in rural areas. A Comitium with 3,252 seniors and 4,781 junior members reported that as a result of Exploratio Dominicalis projects 48 were prepared for First Communion, 7 lapsed returned, 11 family disputes were settled and 39 couples married in Church.

Onitsha Regia: One Comitium prepared 145 for baptism including 2 Traditionalists, 500 for Holy Communion, 34 for Confirmation and 131 couples were helped marry in Church and another Comitium recruited 142 members and established 8 senior, 1 intermediate and 1 junior Praesidia and 5 junior Curiae in the last year.

A Comitium attached to Ikot Ekpene Regia reported 3 Muslims being received into the Church.

Jos Regia: The Legion apostolate continues in the Regia area despite many difficulties caused by unrest there. The Handbook has been printed and is being distributed to Councils. No news was received from Kaduna Regia since the last report.

Blantyre Senatus: The Senatus governs 12 directly attached praesidia, 9 Curiae, and l6 Comitia in Blantyre Archdiocese and 4 Regia and 9 Comitia in other dioceses. The Senatus has been asked to look at the low attendance at Senatus Meetings of Curiae Officers in Blantyre Archdiocese. The Regia in Mangochi Diocese held a Conference on “The Eucharist and the Legionary” from 4th to 7th October 2012 and 4 priests and 529 Legionaries participated and the closing Mass was celebrated by Bishop Pagani.

Dar-Es-Salaam Regia: The importance of the year of Faith was stressed at both a youth Congress and a Pilgrimage, the latter was well attended, but attendance at the Congress was low. The need to set up new praesidia and strengthen weak ones and take care in selecting officers was highlighted and assessments are to be done quarterly to monitor progress. The work of the 34 members in the Senior Seminary is largely done within the college, but they do promotion work in parishes at the request of the Regia and following very successful promotion work last year, further work in Parishes was due to take place on 24th February.
Mbeya Comitium has 4 Curiae, two of which cannot attend the Comitium due to distance. The membership of 1,641 includes 193 youth. Works include caring for youth praesidia, visiting the sick at home and in hospital and helping those with marriage difficulties. Their main aims are to extend the Legion and develop the youth movement.
Mtwara Comitium: Works include helping at Church on Sundays, visiting and consoling the sick and those with problems, counselling unmarried couples resulting in some marriages, caring for sick children at boarding school and consoling students who are bereaved, praying the Rosary with students especially at exam times. Four students were recently baptised, some are due to be confirmed soon and many are also joining the Legion.
Hai Moshi Comitium reports include home and hospital visitation with many returns to the Sacraments, marriages blessed and marriage disputes settled and adults and children prepared for the Sacraments. 9 new praesidia were established in 2012 and great efforts are being made to establish praesidia in schools.
Rombo Comitium has 4,500 senior, 500 intermediate and 2,500 junior members. The Legion was started in 14 parishes and 2 Curiae were established.

Lusaka Regia: These gave full details of elections, but there are ongoing election problems there and also in Kasama Regia. In both cases the correspondents are following up.

Banjul Curia organised rallies, one in Baku areas where over 20 people showed interest in joining the Legion and a Praesidium was started.

There are a lot of communication problems with Liberia but recently the October to February 2013 minutes were received and they also received a literature parcel from Concilium. They seem to be attentive to the basics and they do home and clinic visitation praying with patients. There was mention of the conversion of a lady who died sometime later.
Madrid Senatus: An apostolate to street girls has had conversions with many of their contacts leaving the life. The apostolate is done on the street and in the girls’ homes. The Senatus monthly bulletin is sent to all the Spanish Bishops. A meeting of the 3 Senatus of Spain has been arranged.
Salamanca Comitium is a vibrant council. Extension efforts are being made which include the setting up of a new praesidium in a district of vice and drugs. The Comitium held a successful Legion Congress recently. The Canary Islands officers were present to give their annual report. They were taken out on the late night Pesca Joven, fishing for youth work.

Bilbao Senatus: Legionaries help recovering drug addicts released from jail and hold classes in Spanish for immigrants. A Mass for immigrants was held and a talk given on the Legion. A meeting was held with parents of all youth groups. In Vitoria legionaries in an Old Folks residence have an average age of 84 with one aged 95. Another praesidium has been invited to join the Parish Council by the Parish Priest.
Santander Comitium reported having 181 Adjutorians. A Mass was held for the late Pacita Santos. Some praesidia were revived and nearly all are on the Parish Councils.

Barcelona Senatus: A praesidium was closed for lack of members and also the Curia in Sabadel some of whose praesidia are continuing to work. A praesidium reported helping to prepare sandwiches for the homeless in Mother Teresa’s kitchens. In Murcia legionaries help in a hostel for recovering drug addicts, distributing clothing with Caritas, and keeping the Church doors open by doing duty there. Visits are made to the jail and enthronement of the Sacred Heart is a new work.

Lisbon Senatus: Bishop Nuno Bras presided at the Acies in Lisbon with 500 members present. 7 prospective members attended an information meeting following a Columban Drive at Masama. Another 2-day Columban Drive gives hopes of a new praesidium. A legionary of a praesidium in Benfica, who is a catechist, conducts a Bible Study Course and another member gives an Alpha Course. 400 people were met on street contact and at medical centres.

Rome Senatus: On the Feast of St. Agnes, Mgr. La Rosa, the Spiritual Director, attended the Vatican for the presentation of lambs to the Holy Father, Benedict XVI. The Holy Father congratulated Mgr. La Rosa on reaching his sacerdotal jubilee of 50 years, gave him his blessing and expressed his deep appreciation of the Legion of Mary. The Senatus held a unified Acies in honour of their Spiritual Director’s jubilee and the Basilica of St. John Lateran was full to capacity. The Cardinal Vicar of Rome encouraged legionaries to become catechists as some already are. It is planned to resume visits to the Rebibbia prison. Frosinone legionaries kept two parishes functioning during the prolonged absence of the priest. Two separate Curiae are now functioning in Taranto. Bernardo de Nardo is Spiritual Director of a praesidium in Traspontina.

Milan Regia: Talks on Frank Duff, Edel Quinn and Alfie Lambe were broadcast on Radio Mater. Books on the life of Frank Duff were given to 10 priests.
Padova Comitium. A new Nigerian praesidium in Padova teaches catechises to children, organises prayer groups and visits old and sick people. A presidium held a Day Retreat for parishioners. A new Nigerian praesidium in Verona works in 3 parishes. A Curia closed a praesidium and also the praesidium in Venice whose members have become auxiliaries.

There are 3 praesidia in Nicosia. Reports indicate that Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces has 13 members and celebrated its 3rd anniversary. They are involved in many parish activities, cemetery visitation and visits to those who are housebound. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary praesidium has 12 members and does contact work in Parks, Bus Stations and other public places. There has been no recent news from the Limassol praesidium.

Malta Regia: The officers met the Archbishop and new Auxiliary Bishop and updated them on the Legion in Malta. The Auxiliary Bishop agreed to attend the Acies. On the Feast of St. Paul, tourists and passers-by were contacted on the street and invited to an exhibition and film on St. Paul in the Legion house. During 2012 Peregrinatio Pro Christo projects were undertaken to Rome, Israel, Sicily and Birmingham and many valuable contacts made. Work reports include home visitation, contact with tourists, teaching catechism, half-day retreats for auxiliaries and visits to primary schools with the statue of Our Lady. A new junior praesidium started in 2012 now has 10 members. Mother of Good Shepherd Curia reported the return to Confession and Holy Communion of a man lapsed over 50 years and who died a few weeks later. A Protestant lady showed interest in the Catholic Faith, accepted the Statue of Our Lady and asked to see the Parish Priest. Two Curiae, each having one parish without the Legion, are making efforts to extend to these parishes. Legionaries of Mother of the Maltese Nation Curia do prison visitation. Queen of Peace Curia reported two retreats held for youths with attendances of 20 and 12. The retreats were organised by young seniors. A praesidium in a home for the elderly has 29 active members of whom 26 are residents.

Gozo Comitium: As a result of a recruiting drive 6 new members joined. 27 legionaries contacted 70 families during a one-day apostolate and recruited 3 auxiliary members. An intermediate praesidium changed to a senior praesidium as all the members had reached their 18th year. 15 young legionaries attended a prayer meeting and barbecue.

Rev. Fr. Drittan, Spiritual director of the Legion in Albania, spent a week in Malta to learn more about the Legion. He attended the Regia Meeting in January. He said that while the Albanians have a lot of good will much prayer is needed for the Legion there. The Malta correspondent for Albania and another legionary will visit Albania in May and would greatly value the support of the Concilium’s prayers.

The praesidium in Tessalonica with 12 members is doing well. The apostolate is carried out in pairs and this includes the visitation of lapsed Catholics, children’s catechism, prison visitation and parish work.

Philadelphia Senatus
The Senatus has printed the new edition of the Alfie Lambe book for distribution in USA and Canada, as well as arranging for the supply of other Legion publications. A praesidium of 15 gave its 3rd report. Among other works they organised the 33-days preparation of True Devotion to Mary. 30 of the 45 parishioners made the Consecration. 118 street contacts led to 35 returns to the Sacraments and 2 marriages validated. Contact at train stations, book barrow and Patricians feature in several reports.

Boston Senatus
Cenacle prayer groups are organised in different homes to pray, evangelise and encourage families to return to the practice of their faith. The Senatus is moving to a more central area to facilitate better attendance.

Chicago Senatus
The Korean Comitium has recruited 15 active and 13 auxiliaries. They report 13 conversions and 9 returns to Sacraments. Rockford Curia serviced a Legion stand at the Boone Co. Fair. Another praesidium increased its auxiliary membership by 67. Good use is made of Meet the Legion DVD. The Legion makes contacts at State Fairs and similar events with good results. 200 attended a Rosary Rally. A dying man eventually agreed to see the priest and received the Sacraments. A praesidium was established after an Exploratio Dominicalis project. A Curia reported 4 praesidia in a prison.

Miami Regia
The Regia has 15 praesidia and a Haitian Curia reports visits to detention centres, conversion work and home visitation. Extension was undertaken in a number of areas. A Curia with 22 praesidia attached reported 20 enthronements to the Sacred Heart and 6 returns to the Church.

Houston Senatus
Cardinal DiNardo complimented legionaries on an attendance of 800 at the annual Asian Mass. 100 homes and 5 trailer parks were visited on an Evangelisation Day. Peregrinatio Pro Christo to San Antonio had over 600 call backs during Holy Week and the Bishop expressed his pleasure at the work carried out during the project. The subject discussed at a number of Patrician meetings was the Year of Faith. Extension features in all the reports of attached councils.

St. Louis Senatus
Archbishop Carlson urged legionaries to visit their neighbourhood to invite fallen away Catholics to come back to the Church and offer to accompany them. 254 homes were visited resulting in 7 converts to the Church and at a booth at a Marian Conference 35 auxiliaries were recruited.

New York Senatus
Reports show 25 praesidia attached to one Curia, 7 families returned to Mass, 17 came back to the Sacraments and there were 3 conversions. 5 groups pray weekly adjacent to an abortion clinic. A Curia with 20 praesidia reported 21 returns and 30 baptisms.

Arlington Regia
The Korean Comitium has 13 senior praesidia, 2 young adults and 2 junior praesidia attached with good attendances. 400 attended the annual reunion. The Bishop attended the Acies and encouraged the work of the Legion.

San Francisco Senatus
For the Year of Faith Patricians has been encouraged as a means of increasing knowledge. Attendance at Senatus meetings ranges from 38-50%. A junior praesidium of 20 active and 25 auxiliary members attached to Seattle makes Rosaries and teaches people how to say the Rosary. Attached Curiae have a variety of works, which includes prison ministry, CCD and RCIA work. Extension is mentioned in the Sacramento Comitium.

Los Angeles Senatus
Tijuana and Mexicali Curiae report strong activity by evangelical sects, however legionaries continue to do home visitation. A Peregrinatio Pro Christo project to Rosario included 9 and 3 local legionaries taking part. The priest was so impressed with the work that he wants a praesidium to be established.

Vancouver Comitium
Officers held an annual meeting with Archbishop Miller. He expressed appreciation for the work of the Legion and said that he could tell the difference the Legion makes. A praesidium giving its 32nd annual report with 15 members said that the Pilgrim Statue was brought to 70 homes, 48 of them being to new families. 2 homes were enthroned to the Sacred Heart. Good use is made of modern technology to spread the knowledge about the Legion.

Toronto Senatus
34 members of one Comitium undertook the 33-day preparation and consecration to Our Lady. Catechism is taught in 5 kindergarten schools, as well as to other children preparing for 1st Holy Communion. Another Curia reported a new praesidium and students receiving Miraculous Medals. 12 praesidia in the Korean Comitium engage in evangelisation in public places, shopping centres, busy streets, etc. They spoke to 3,500 including homeless and street people. 7 returned to the Sacraments. A Korean Comitium recruited 47 converts during the year and a Hindu family of 5 became Catholics.

Edmonton Comitium
70 homes were visited, 50 attended a Marian Hour and an Easter Confession Day was arranged.

Santo Domingo Senatus, Dominican Republic
The Senatus is preparing for the Concilium visitors in June. La Romana Comitium has 610 members, 260 Praetorians, 793 Auxiliaries and 23 Adjutorians. Children and adults were prepared for 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation. Another Comitium has 678 active, 151 Praetorians, and 18 probationers. Works include visiting the sick at home and in hospital, prisons, street contacts and catechesis feature in all reports.

Santiago de los Cabaleros Senatus
Overdue elections were held but there are some problems, which need attention. An attached Regia of La Vega has 11 Comitia with 6,200 members, 3,150 Auxiliaries, 222 Praetorians and 48 Adjutorians. 2 girls from an Evangelical Church were instructed and received into the Church. Legionaries visited an area where most people had been away from the Sacraments for 40 years. Following instruction many now attend and some have joined the Legion.

Port of Spain Regia: Reports tell of home and hospital visitation and street contact. A girls and a boys’ school were approached in the hopes of starting praesidia.

Haiti Senatus: Homes, hospitals, community institutions, prisons as well as visits of condolence, accompanying the priest on sick calls, street contact, organising youth praesidia, catechism and literacy classes feature in reports. Many returns to the Sacraments, and family reconciliations were also reported. To show auxiliaries their importance, a rally was arranged for all praesidia in Port-au-Prince.

Puerto Rico Senatus: San Juan report good extension, many youths and adults have been instructed. In Juana Diaz, many youths and adults were instructed and prepared for the Sacraments. Aracibo revived a praesidium and there is another in formation. The bereaved are visited and lapsed are invited back. Many True Devotion to the Nation type works are undertaken such as repairing roads and organising for blood donations are carried out.
